Saturday, 17 September 2011

Blood group or Octane rating ?

Really how much of petrol content do you have in your blood ?
Not much ?quite a lot or you actually have an Octane rating instead of a Blood group to be relevant?
Do you get all upset if the engine didnt feel right today ? was it the heat was it the bad fuel or was it the ignition or the tappets ?
Love the way the exhaust sounds and not one opportunity is missed to hear that exhaust growl or lazily burble/pop on the over run?
Crazy enough to do a "down-shift syncro rev match" in city driving...?
Gear shifts are timed perfectly with tacho or the feel of the car..
Missing a doctor's apointment or a meeting is ok..hey shit happens. BUT never a car servicing schedule.
If the oil is a .5 mm higher than the upper mark on the dip stick its a crime ?
Who cares how long the destination is or how beautful the scenery is as long as the engine remains in the power band..
Pinging/knocking will trigger a heart attack.. and worse if its your own engine ..
You know what your clutch smells like and of course burnt rubber ..
Nothing sounds better than an overlapping cam trying to breathe at idle..
Statistics like rod-stroke ratio, gear ratio, drive ratio, air-fuel ratio mean more then what mileage can be derived from tankful then u are on the right track..
If you can still relate to stuff here and are guilty of some or all of the above u know its too late are addicted. The car Gods will be happy..

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